Berlin-Potsdam round trip


Zeuthen – Kรถpenick – Landwehrkanal – Charlottenburg – Spandau – Havel – GroรŸer Wannsee – Potsdam – Griebnitzsee – Teltowkanal – Kรถpenick – Mรผggelsee – Zeuthen

3-5 days | 110 km | 4 locks

From Zeuthen, cross the Dahme to Kรถpenick into the Landwehr Canal and then through the Unterschleuse lock to the Charlottenburg bank and Charlottenburg Palace.
Please note that the Landwehr Canal is a one-way street and may only be used from east to west. The idyllic Landwehr Canal offers a view over Berlin’s districts such as Treptow, Kreuzberg, Neukรถlln, Tiergarten and Charlottenburg. Here you pass attractions such as the Museum of Technology, Potsdamer Platz and the zoo and travel under beautiful historic bridges and experience Berlin’s neighborhoods up close. Especially on weekends and public holidays, the avenues, riverside promenades and Kreuzberg’s Urbanhafen are a hive of activity. From here you have the option of crossing the Spree and the large Wannsee to Potsdam. You can make a stop in Potsdam to visit Sanssouci Palace or the Natural History Museum. Afterwards you cycle via the Griebnitzsee, Teltowkanal, Britzer Verbindungskanal back to the Treptower Spree. In contrast to Berlin’s most beautiful canal, the Landwehr Canal, the Teltow Canal is wider and longer, but there are also many interesting things to experience here. If you keep to the left in Kรถpenick, you will come across the GroรŸer Mรผggelsee, the Mรผggelspree, the Gosen Canal and via the Seddinsee back to the Zeuthener See.

Driver's license: SBF Inland
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Tour itinerary

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